Ongoing posts from various international projects


India Fulbright Blog

Follow along with me as I experience life in Pune, India as a Fulbright Scholar! I’ll conduct my research there in two parts: the first in May/June 2022 and the second in Aug/Sept/Oct 2022. Aside from my research work, I hope to make connections with social work professors throughout India and lay the groundwork for a future study abroad course for our UAB students. When not working on my project, I’ll be navigating daily life in Pune, learning some Hindi and Marathi, and photographing my explorations in Maharashtra and beyond!

So what’s a Fulbright? The Fulbright is the flagship international educational exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of State, designed to increase mutual understanding between U.S. citizens and the citizens of other countries. Fulbright Scholars are university faculty members from the U.S. who receive an award to either teach, conduct research, or both in another country in collaboration with a host university abroad.

Read Blog

Equador Blog

Stay tuned!


Kenya Blog

Stay tuned!


The views on this blog are my own and do not reflect the views the institutions I am affiliated with. The content of these blogs represents personal explorations, project ideas and planning, and work in progress rather than completed projects or finalized scholarship. Please note the date stamp on any blog posts you read and consult my academic publications for a reliable record of my considered thoughts on the topics which feature on the blogs.

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